CASC Program at a Glance
San Diego's Administrative Credential Pathway
The San Diego County Office of Education offers a job‐embedded, site‐based, individualized coaching program as an approved pathway for clearing the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential. The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) authorizes the completion of an approved Administrative Services Credential Clear Induction Program as the only option for completing the Professional Administrative Services Credential. Enrollment in a CTC approved administrator induction program is expected upon placement in an administrative position, but no later than one year from activation of the preliminary credential.

Two-Year Leadership Development Certification
Certification of the completion of all training requirements is accomplished through a two-year program that includes one‐on‐one coaching with a skilled administrator, an individualized leadership growth plan, and professional learning as well as a culminating portfolio representing two years of leadership development as an instructional leader based upon the California Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (CPSEL).